Go above your nerve

I know it has been a long while since I’ve actually written a blog post. Various reasons have contributed to that: I’ve been busy at work with increased responsibility, I got a new kitten and my time is spent adoring him, I’ve been lazy and not felt like doing much of anything.

But the biggest reason is because I have had intense writer’s block and not much desire to get out of it. Entirely my fault, and it is still lingering in the back of my mind now. I have no fewer than ten drafts of posts I began but gave up on due to this block.

This block has prevented me from showering adoration on the amazing Jon Bellion’s newest album (which I love) and from exploring the numerous ideas about womanhood and friendship brought up from reading the Neapolitan Novels (if you haven’t read them yet, go do it now!).

I am trying to end this block now, before I regret other missed topics. This post is my forcing myself to reenter blogging and my attempt to reignite my own voice. I have been quiet and kept my thoughts to myself for the past two years, burdened by lost friendship and new experiences, but I cannot continue this way if I want to be a vibrant and engaging person.

This is my first foray back to writing and expressing my thoughts, and hopefully this week or next my second will appear. I have been reading Krisin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Undset and have thoughts to share once more. But until then….

Ah, Emily with a great piece of advice.


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